About this Blog

This may seem like just another blog site on organic or natural care, but for me it's different. This is more like a personal journey to serious wellness, not just because I'd like to hop in on the bandwagon, but because I'd like to pay homage to my mother who died of cancer at age 75. I thought that the best way to honor her is to take care of myself -- mind, body and spirit.

It's easy to get carried away in the luscious temptation of hedonistic lifestyle. Too often it's an escape to the pressures of life. But unknowingly, we submit ourselves to the dangers that come with it -- chronic and fatal diseases. When my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma, we were told that chemotherapy may no longer do her good. Instead, she was asked to seek alternative treatment. It was then that she was advised to take loads and loads of natural food like vegetables and fruits, as well as some cancer-combating natural and organic processed foods. In other words, when cancer happens, or any chronic diseases for that matter, we are strictly advised to go "back to basics" -- all natural and organic.

At 46 years old I still feel grateful; I have no diseases to complain about, other than simple "mechanical errors" that I'd like to call. For instance, the back pain caused by a slipped disc or the pain surrounding my neck due to another spinal problem. And because I write for a living, I always get the frozen shoulders. Still, I live a sedentary life, basing on my day-to-day mobility. The desire to include exercise as a part of my day has forever been pushed behind. I may not drink nor smoke, but I don't seem to rest from work either nor sleep at the right time. I guess the worst part is I have extreme love for good food, which makes me a perpetual willing victim to any buffet treats. It is truly not hard to imagine why I tip the scale at 140 lbs given my 5 ft. frame.

There's a lot to be done and I am a work in progress. But to say that I plan to make it an overnight success is hypocrisy at its best. I won't even go to that place. My promise to self is just one healthy deed a day at a time. This blog will chronicle all that; and hopefully others who will follow this will find success in their own personal goals as well.

So join me, a step at a time, to the road leading to good health -- one blog post at a time.